You will be able to pack your picnic basket and bring it to some very scenic locations in Henford-On Bagley. Once placed on a table you will be able to set up a picnic with a single interaction off the basket.
— Antonio Romeo (@SimGuruRomeo) June 10, 2021
— Antonio Romeo (@SimGuruRomeo) June 10, 2021
You can put the picnic basket in your Sims inventory, and enjoy a picnic on any table, and in any world.
— Antonio Romeo (@SimGuruRomeo) June 10, 2021
You will be able to breed chickens if you have a Rooster and a Hen in the same coop.
— Antonio Romeo (@SimGuruRomeo) June 10, 2021
We actually tied Canning to the cooking skill, but we do have a new skill coming in the pack. More info to come soon.
— Antonio Romeo (@SimGuruRomeo) June 10, 2021
A hint… you can see one of the children doing it in the trailer.
— Antonio Romeo (@SimGuruRomeo) June 10, 2021
Correct, Cows, Llamas, and Chickens will not take up a household slot. You will be able to place an Animal Shed and purchase either a cow or llama for the shed. You will also be able to purchase a chicken coop and have up to 8 chickens per coop.
— Antonio Romeo (@SimGuruRomeo) June 10, 2021
We added a handful of new recipes to this pack to fit the cottage theme. Milk Bread is one of them.
— Antonio Romeo (@SimGuruRomeo) June 10, 2021
We added the ability to cook with a group of Sims. So, kids will not cook on their own but they can help their parents to make it a family activity!
Bunnies and Birds can be found out in the wild. As you befriend these cuddly creatures you can purchase a rabbit or bird home for your lot to have them show up more often. They can also help out in the garden! These animals will also not take up a slot in your household. =D
— Antonio Romeo (@SimGuruRomeo) June 10, 2021
One of my favorite locations in this pack is the ruins in the forest.
— Antonio Romeo (@SimGuruRomeo) June 10, 2021
You are correct. Each shed will house a single cow or llama. But we intentionally did not build fences around the sheds, so you can place a couple sheds, in a fenced off area, next to each other and have a mini pasture of cows if you wanted.
— Antonio Romeo (@SimGuruRomeo) June 10, 2021
These bunnies are not imbued with magical powers.
— Antonio Romeo (@SimGuruRomeo) June 10, 2021
— Antonio Romeo (@SimGuruRomeo) June 10, 2021
You will be able to build relationship and name the rabbits, so they will hang around your lot a lot. It is almost like having them as a pet, without having to cage them. They are free spirits. =D
— Antonio Romeo (@SimGuruRomeo) June 10, 2021
Once you befriend them you can place their home on any lot, but initially you will only find them in the new world.
— Antonio Romeo (@SimGuruRomeo) June 10, 2021
We also added some additional things to children. More info to come =D
— Antonio Romeo (@SimGuruRomeo) June 10, 2021
You can name THEM ALL!!! My personal chicken names are:
— Antonio Romeo (@SimGuruRomeo) June 10, 2021
– Hen Solo
– Chewbacca
– Cluck Vader
– Kylo Hen
– Phil
I know I am a nerd…
Animals will eventually die of old age, but there are ways to keep them alive forever if you choose.
— Antonio Romeo (@SimGuruRomeo) June 10, 2021
— Antonio Romeo (@SimGuruRomeo) June 10, 2021
— Antonio Romeo (@SimGuruRomeo) June 10, 2021
These foxes are true wild foxes. What this means is you will not be able to add them to your household like you can in Cats & Dogs. You will also not need to own pets to see them roaming around.
— Antonio Romeo (@SimGuruRomeo) June 10, 2021
These foxes are vary devious, and they love to steal chickens!
3 neighborhoods with 4 lots each.
— Antonio Romeo (@SimGuruRomeo) June 10, 2021