I’m obsessed with Eddie Munson and wanted to make his club tee’s for sims. 2 swatches – english | simlish male & female custom thumbnails meshes needed –

Sims 4 CC Stranger Things Eleven’s Mall Outfit
I just finished S3 of Stranger Things yesterday. To commemorate the moment, I whipped up the romper that El is seen wearing in her mall scene montage with Max. I spent a few hours on this just to make sure it was perfect(well, as perfect as could be!). I am just using the romper mesh from Cats & Dogs for this, so you will need that for my version to show up in game. I also had fun setting up El’s “photoshoot” for the outfit. Yep, she even has her ice cream cone from Scoops Ahoy.

Base Game Crew Neck Tee Recolours Male & Female Teen to Elder Everyday/Athletic Disallowed for Random Modelled by the Russell Family
Stranger Things Set the sims 4

eddie by simstrouble

Yes, I utterly and happily made this hairstyle after our favorite metal head Eddie Munson from Stranger Things. Hope you can enjoy this terrible 80s-style perm 🤟🏼 Base Game Compatible 24 Swatches Enabled for both frames All LODs, Hat Compatible, All Maps, 15k/13k poly