Sims 4 Cordelia Falls
I found some minor details about Princess Cordelia in the language files of the new pack (Cottage Living).
It’s also a good story about the town’s past.

The natural beauty of these woods have long provided a picturesque place for many wild birds, rabbits, and foxes to call home. Whether secreting a small surprise under Sophie the Snail, bringing an easel to paint the serene Cordelia Falls, foraging for wild mushrooms, or finding romance among the ruins on the Isle of Volpe, any Sim would be transformed by a day in the Bramblewood.
Cordelia’s Secret Cottage
Those willing to make the hike up Cordelia Falls are rewarded with an enchanting secret. Nestled neatly near the top of the falls and rumored to have once secretly housed young royals on holiday, this small cottage is the perfect hideaway to enjoy nature, fish, and relax amidst the Bramblewood.

Some people say Lord Volpe, the founder of Finchwick, had a pet fox, while others insist that he had a pet snail. There are no definitive records either way, but I like to think that Sophie the Snail is proof positive that he was a snail man. Why else would there be a snail maze in the Bramblewood?
Before the bridge-building frenzy a few hundred years back – you’d think the village was called Bridgertown or something – you’d have to swim if you wanted to cross the River Bagley. Sims would always have their swimming clothes handy when doing errands around town!
It’s rumored young nobles on secret holiday used to abscond to the cottage at the top of Cordelia Falls in the Bramblewood. Oh, to have seen what they did when they thought no one was watching!
Finchwick was beset by pirates once! Princess Cordelia was visiting and it’s rumored that she brought those scallywags as company. Then again, perhaps beset isn’t quite the term to us, as they were all very polite while they were here. In fact, they’re the ones who started the whole Finchwick Favor tradition!

One of the most romantic places in the Henford-on-Bagley area are the old Isle of Volpe ruins in the Bramblewood. Getting a kiss from your love when wrapped in their arms – why, it’s like a scene from a movie. Don’t we all want our happily ever after?
The Watson family used to own the entirety of the Old New Henford area, but over hundreds of years, they’ve been selling off plots one by one. I wouldn’t be surprised if the half the headstones in the Finchwick cemetery were Watsons.
Did you know that the sunny flowers hanging in the lampposts around town all come from local gardens? Those in Finchwick are tended by any Sim with a spare moment, while others come from the homes of Henford-on-Bagley residents. In a way, their brightness is a reflection of the light we all shine on each other.
Finchwick was so named due to all the greenfinches in the area. Lord Volpe loved the way they sang to each other. We also have robins, great tits, willow tits, goldcrests, and blackcaps for any Sim looking to do a bit of birding.
The founder of Finchwick, Lord Volpe, simply loved topiaries. He’s said to have talked to them more than he did his own family! He bestowed a particularly splendid bovine topiary to Princess Cordelia upon her visit. We keep his memory alive today by decorating the town with them for each fair.
Isle of Volpe Park
Located just across from the ruins on the Isle of Volpe, this park is the perfect start for any Bramblewood adventure. Then enjoy a meal at the grill, find or leave a present under Sophie the Snail, relax beside the serene Cordelia Falls, explore the ruins, charm the local wildlife, or go foraging for wild mushrooms and berries. The only problem will be doing it all before the sun goes down!
Cordelia’s Secret Cottage
Those willing to make the hike up Cordelia Falls are rewarded with an enchanting secret. Nestled neatly near the top of the falls and rumored to have once secretly housed young royals on holiday, this small cottage is the perfect hideaway to enjoy nature, fish, and relax amidst the Bramblewood.
Princess Cordelia’s Peasant Stairs
After the Great Sloth Invasion, Princess Cordelia was forced to flee her palace with few belongings and take refuge in the country. One of the first places she settled was Henford-on-Bagley. She spent lots of time enjoying the countryside, and a simpler way of life.\nOne such novel experience for her was the concept of going up and down stairs. In her palace, her family prided themselves on efficiency and so she always had a stair butler who carried her up and down stairs.\nSince she had to fire all of her staff during the Great Sloth Invasion, unfortunately the stair butler could not join her in Henford-on-Bagley.\nOn the bright side, she experienced climbing this very set of stairs for the first time. She referred to them as “peasant stairs” and wrote about them in her diary. There’s a first time for everything. And if you’re in the market for a good stair-butler, hers is still looking for work.
The Bramblewood
The natural beauty of these woods have long provided a picturesque place for many wild birds, rabbits, and foxes to call home. Whether secreting a small surprise under Sophie the Snail, bringing an easel to paint the serene Cordelia Falls, foraging for wild mushrooms, or finding romance among the ruins on the Isle of Volpe, any Sim would be transformed by a day in the Bramblewood.
Sims 4 Cottage Living Pack, Sims 4 Update, Sims 4 Story, Sims 4 Princess Cordelia