Basemental Drugs is a collection of functional drugs for The Sims 4. The mod features custom drugs, custom animations, altered walkstyles, altered moods, altered needs, come-ups, peaks, comedowns, hangovers, addiction, rehabilitation, and loads more. Basemental is in no way promoting, encouraging or glorifying the use of drgs in real life. The harsh realities and negatives of prolonged drug use is a key feature of the mod.
13 different drugs, all tailored to be as realistic as possible.
Level up in dealing skills for each sellable drug.
Get busted by the cops for selling, or doing drugs.
Selling Drugs
Your Sim can get busted by the cops when selling cocaine, amphetamine, cannabis or MDMA. When you are at level 1 in one of those Dealing Skills the chance of getting busted is tuned relatively high – the higher your level, the lower chance of getting busted.
When your Sim gets busted a cop will show up, walk over to your Sim, lecture him or her a bit, flaunt some handcuffs and they will walk off. Your Sim will disappear into jail, this is a rabbit hole event and you will not be able to follow him or her to jail.
When your Sim is released from jail all of the items in your Sims inventory has been confiscated by the police. This basically means that you need to be careful with having too much drugs on your person if you are afraid of getting busted. Storage chests are your friends from now on.
There is also a chance of getting a negative buff that lasts for 12 hours after being released from jail. There are several buffs that might occur, and these are chosen out of your Sims traits. Example: If your Sim is Materialistic, he or she might get a Sad buff due to having lost all his or her drugs.
For the most part the police busts will happen off your Sims home lot.
If you own the Get Famous Expansion Pack you will get a large reputation loss if you get busted by the cops.
Using Drugs
If your Sim is using cocaine, amphetamine or MDMA outside their home lot there is now a small percentage chance that the police will show up, confiscate his or her belongings and throw the Sim in jail for some time.
Patreon Version
For access to the in-development version of this mod, head over to Patreon. You’ll get access to the newest features while they are in development.
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