The Sims 4 Modularly Moody Light Kit
I always wanted to be able to choose each bulb colour of the string lights that were already in game, and found myself motivated to quickly patch together something I could use in my own gameplay. Well, ADHD happened and I hyper focused myself into a frequently abandoned overdone pack. But! I am pretty sure that I have ironed out all the kinks, and finally I can enjoy and share the fruits of my effort.
It would take another year to release this mod if I took the time to include a picture of, let alone count, all the shapes and swatches I’ve shoved into this kit. No, really. There is 27 bulbs, 6 different string lengths, 2 styles of strings, and over 400 textures across all 34 objects. There is a lot in here.
This kit has two main components, the string and the bulb. They act sort of like a shelf and clutter so you can slot any bulb in the swatch of your choice into each socket independently. You can also individually change each bulb’s light. To allow for full control of the height, the strings are at ground light, and bb.moveobjects is required to lift them from their default height. They are all fully compatible with use of the T.O.O.L mod to change the angle of everything and experiment. You can also slot many small objects and lights into the sockets if you really want, live your life. You’ll find the objects under lighting misc, and woah is there a lot of them.
I wish I could say that the thumbnails in buy mode look great, but I had to chose between them being upside down, or cut in half. Since I didn’t want to manually make 400+ thumbnails, I chose cut in half because it was the easiest option for creating new bulbs moving forward. I promise, they aren’t cut in half when placed.
The meshes are a grouping of my own, EA’s, or some level of in between. I invite anyone to use or alter or recolor these assets, as well as include the meshes in their own CC work, though credit is always appreciated. Make sure to only download either the SEPERATED or MERGED version.Summarized Info
- No pack requirements
- All Maxis Match
- Found in Buy Mode, Lighting, Misc
- Use of bb.moveobjects is recommended
- Only download the SEPERATED or MERGED
Description: -replace with description-. Notes: We decided to go with a more marketable name than “Light Bulb.” #Bubbles is trending, so we are going to need a description that helps with any confusion between actual bubbles, and our bubble shaped product. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modularly Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Light |
Bonuses |
Off The Grid : |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Blown Bubbles – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 226 | 226 | 226 |

Description: While a game of juice pong may be fun, it creates two things. Sticky floors, and plastic waste. Why not bring home the nostalgia of juiced up nights and cramming for exams, while also being able to ride your high horse in moral superiority for this *eco friendly choice. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. *not actually certified by the Evergreen Harbor Ecological Society Part of the Modularly Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Bonuses |
Power Consumer : 10 |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Pong! – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 194 | 194 | 194 |

Description: Do you find the outside scary? Does the very idea of feeling unconditioned air on your skin bring you fear? Do you miss cloudgazing over, and over, to fufill your needs with someone you just met? Bring the clouds inside where you will be safe forever, and gaze in peace. Gazing is not included. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modularly Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Bonuses |
Power Consumer : 10 |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Room Plume – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 678 | 678 | 678 |

Description: Do you know how much effort it is to create a new element in a lab environment? We do, and it turns out the element of light itself is very unstable. After discussion with our legal team, we have decided to instead release this Glowtonium Replica instead, which means over 99.99999986% savings for you! Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modular Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Light |
MiscLight |
Bonuses |
Off The Grid : |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Glowtonium – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 48 | 48 | 48 |

Description: Untangling unmanageable strands of lights, picking through each of these protruding bulbs, spending hours finding the one to replace. These are troubles of the past since the strand is not included. Tangling may occur if product is stored along with products sold separately. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modular Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Light |
Bonuses |
Off The Grid : |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Manufactured Joy – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 282 | 282 | 282 |

Description: It’s just an egg, a little egg. A little eggy boy trying to make its way though a non egg shaped world. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modular Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Bonuses |
Power Consumer : 10 |
Mesh information:
Mesh name:
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 250 | 250 | 250 |

Description: Everyone’s heart breaks differently. But not these hearts! They are unbreakable and there for superior to your breakable human heart. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modular Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Light |
Bonuses |
Off The Grid : |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Heart of Glass – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 186 | 186 | 186 |

Description: You might have to rework your entire asthetic to keep them up all year round, but you won’t have the heart to put them away after Love Day ends. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modular Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Bonuses |
Power Consumer : 10 |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Love of my Light – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 146 | 146 | 146 |

Description: Could these have been used to preserve food? To store buttons? To keep sugar? Yes, yes, and yes. Save your jars and leave the deceptively expensive home craft decor to us. The *professionals. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. *claim is up to debate Part of the Modularly Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Light |
Bonuses |
Off The Grid : |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: The Jar – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 228 | 228 | 228 |

Description: Yousa too can hang these to create a vewy good dirty cantina mood. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modularly Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Light |
Bonuses |
Off The Grid : |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Jar Jar Breaks – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 228 | 228 | 228 |

Description: Been holding off waiting for the purrfect light bulb? Look no fur-ther, as this is pawsitively *the best lightbulb on the mar-cat. The best lightbulb in hiss-tory. You have got to be kitten-me if you are going to miss this pawsome cat pun meow meow meow more cat puns meow meow meow. *It’s fundamentally still a light bulb, but it’s cat shaped, which is an overall improvement in my opinion. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modular Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Light |
Bonuses |
Off The Grid : |
Mesh information:
Mesh name:
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 182 | 182 | 182 |

Description: Cat lovers everywhere have one thing in common. If it is cat shaped, it is superior. Make sure everyone knows the pecking order in your heart as you light up each plastic cat shaped bulb. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modular Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Bonuses |
Power Consumer : 10 |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Meow Wow! – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 154 | 154 | 154 |

Description: Thomas Edison don’t care he stole again. Invented the invented, took credit like taking ten. Don’t matter if he was first second or fourth, he’s the fastet to the patent and to take what you’re worth. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modularly Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Light |
Bonuses |
Off The Grid : |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Borrowed Bulb – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 346 | 346 | 346 |

Description: Not at the center of this solar system? Create your own solar system one round corrugated paper globule at a time. This product folds flat for storage, and can be composted after it is inevitably crushed beneath the weight of a seasonal gnome. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modular Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Bonuses |
Power Consumer : 10 |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Paper Planets – Light Kit
LODs (2):
LOD | 0 | 1 |
Polygons | 330 | 330 |

Description: Illuminated by the warm glow of a heat safe LED in fire proof parchment, the safe feeling it provides will almost make you forget of the fire hazard you almost DIY’d. Lucky you. Claim that you made it yourself anyway, we won’t tell. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modular Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Bonuses |
Power Consumer : 10 |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Lucky Luminary – Light Kit
LODs (2):
LOD | 0 | 1 |
Polygons | 330 | 330 |

Description: A mood you can see through is just like vibes, ya know? Like, let’s just be real for a second, can we be real for a second? What if all our moods were see through like glass, and we could all just cry together, and laugh together… this juice is really good, is this locally fizzed? Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modular Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Light |
Bonuses |
Off The Grid : |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Lighten the Mood – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 26 | 26 | 26 |

Description: No one talks about how a Plumbob is used for reliably determining a straight vertical line, and that moods are hardly reliable in comparison. Trust me, I’m having a break down right now, and it’s because someone didn’t give it a sensible name like hexagonal bipyramid, or dodecahedron. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modular Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Bonuses |
Power Consumer : 10 |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Feeling Down
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 14 | 14 | 14 |

Description: 40,000 something years ago our ancestors used mammoth ivory to weave rope, and it might have been tens of thousands of years later that rope was used for tools, making its original purpose purely for decoration. We ourselves want to return back to when rope was used for simpler things, like signifying status, or decorating dorm rooms.
Price: 161
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: You’re My Only Rope – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 67 | 67 | 67 |

Description: 40,000 something years ago our ancestors used mammoth ivory to weave rope, and it might have been tens of thousands of years later that rope was used for tools, making its original purpose purely for decoration. We ourselves want to return back to when rope was used for simpler things, like signifying status, or decorating dorm rooms.
Price: 162
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Fiber I Just Met Her – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 113 | 113 | 113 |

Description: 40,000 something years ago our ancestors used mammoth ivory to weave rope, and it might have been tens of thousands of years later that rope was used for tools, making its original purpose purely for decoration. We ourselves want to return back to when rope was used for simpler things, like signifying status, or decorating dorm rooms.
Price: 163
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Hey Jute – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 159 | 159 | 159 |

Description: 40,000 something years ago our ancestors used mammoth ivory to weave rope, and it might have been tens of thousands of years later that rope was used for tools, making its original purpose purely for decoration. We ourselves want to return back to when rope was used for simpler things, like signifying status, or decorating dorm rooms.
Price: 164
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Time After Twine – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 221 | 221 | 221 |

Description: 40,000 something years ago our ancestors used mammoth ivory to weave rope, and it might have been tens of thousands of years later that rope was used for tools, making its original purpose purely for decoration. We ourselves want to return back to when rope was used for simpler things, like signifying status, or decorating dorm rooms.
Price: 165
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Fiber Punk – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 267 | 267 | 267 |

Description: 40,000 something years ago our ancestors used mammoth ivory to weave rope, and it might have been tens of thousands of years later that rope was used for tools, making its original purpose purely for decoration. We ourselves want to return back to when rope was used for simpler things, like signifying status, or decorating dorm rooms.
Price: 166
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Ropes and Dreams – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 313 | 313 | 313 |

Description: While Astronomer,Warren De la Rue is the true creator of the incandescent bulb, his choice to use platinum made it impractical commercially. While not credited for the invention, there is a crator on the moon named after him, so it’s not all bad. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modularly Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Bonuses |
Power Consumer : 10 |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Deja Rue – Light Kit
LODs (2):
LOD | 0 | 1 |
Polygons | 101 | 101 |

Description: Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose your recycling into eccentric spirals of carefully curated clippings. Save yourself time on matching pages of magazines and newsprint, just call our freshly printed on recycled paper alternative a welcomed short cut. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modular Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Bonuses |
Power Consumer : 10 |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Reused Rubbish – Light Kit
LODs (1):
LOD | 0 |
Polygons | 164 |

Description: As they dangle above your head, you will be reminded of those bundled messes of candy coloured paper children gift as flowers. Only now, you are an adult and you can pay someone to make paper flowers for you. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modular Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Bonuses |
Power Consumer : 10 |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Craft Paper Carnation – Light Kit
LODs (1):
LOD | 0 |
Polygons | 164 |

Description: The simulation of stars invokes the whimsy of the night sky in any room. No longer will you need to commit to the costly renovation of roof removal to achieve this trendy look, and for that, you’re welcome. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modular Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Light |
Bonuses |
Off The Grid : |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Crystal Constellation – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 42 | 42 | 42 |

Description: Are regular daily affirmations not cutting it for you anymore? Perhaps you need the subliminal dopamine rush of a row of stars lit up with your praise? Simulate a five star review on your ceiling to start your day. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modular Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Bonuses |
Power Consumer : 10 |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Fake Feedback – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 22 | 22 | 22 |

Description: A new A S T H E T I C takes effort to turn around. That effort is often metaphorical, but in this case, it’s very, very, literal. As in turning a bulb around as you screw it in literal. Also, why are things you need to make yourself always more expensive? Oh well! Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modularly Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 161
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: If it Aint Got That String – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 67 | 67 | 67 |

Description: A new A S T H E T I C takes effort to turn around. That effort is often metaphorical, but in this case, it’s very, very, literal. As in turning a bulb around as you screw it in literal. Also, why are things you need to make yourself always more expensive? Oh well! Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modularly Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 162
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Left on Thread – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 113 | 113 | 113 |

Description: A new A S T H E T I C takes effort to turn around. That effort is often metaphorical, but in this case, it’s very, very, literal. As in turning a bulb around as you screw it in literal. Also, why are things you need to make yourself always more expensive? Oh well! Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modularly Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 163
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Ropes and Dreams – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 159 | 159 | 159 |

Description: A new A S T H E T I C takes effort to turn around. That effort is often metaphorical, but in this case, it’s very, very, literal. As in turning a bulb around as you screw it in literal. Also, why are things you need to make yourself always more expensive? Oh well! Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modularly Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 164
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Try Before You Tie – Light Kit test
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 221 | 221 | 221 |

Description: A new A S T H E T I C takes effort to turn around. That effort is often metaphorical, but in this case, it’s very, very, literal. As in turning a bulb around as you screw it in literal. Also, why are things you need to make yourself always more expensive? Oh well! Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modularly Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 165
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: I’m The String of the Castle – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 267 | 267 | 267 |

Description: A new A S T H E T I C takes effort to turn around. That effort is often metaphorical, but in this case, it’s very, very, literal. As in turning a bulb around as you screw it in literal. Also, why are things you need to make yourself always more expensive? Oh well! Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modularly Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 166
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Never Too Much of a Good String – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 313 | 313 | 313 |

Description: -replace with description-. Notes: We decided to go with a more marketable name than “Light Bulb.” #Bubbles is trending, so we are going to need a description that helps with any confusion between actual bubbles, and our bubble shaped product. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modularly Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Light |
Bonuses |
Off The Grid : |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Blown Bubbles – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 226 | 226 | 226 |
Description: While a game of juice pong may be fun, it creates two things. Sticky floors, and plastic waste. Why not bring home the nostalgia of juiced up nights and cramming for exams, while also being able to ride your high horse in moral superiority for this *eco friendly choice. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. *not actually certified by the Evergreen Harbor Ecological Society Part of the Modularly Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Bonuses |
Power Consumer : 10 |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Pong! – Light Kit
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 194 | 194 | 194 |
Description: Do you find the outside scary? Does the very idea of feeling unconditioned air on your skin bring you fear? Do you miss cloudgazing over, and over, to fufill your needs with someone you just met? Bring the clouds inside where you will be safe forever, and gaze in peace. Gazing is not included. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modularly Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Bonuses |
Power Consumer : 10 |
Description: Do you know how much effort it is to create a new element in a lab environment? We do, and it turns out the element of light itself is very unstable. After discussion with our legal team, we have decided to instead release this Glowtonium Replica instead, which means over 99.99999986% savings for you! Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modular Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Light |
MiscLight |
Bonuses |
Off The Grid : |
Description: Untangling unmanageable strands of lights, picking through each of these protruding bulbs, spending hours finding the one to replace. These are troubles of the past since the strand is not included. Tangling may occur if product is stored along with products sold separately. Every other piece is sold separately and only assembly required. Part of the Modular Moody Light Kit – by Pinkerchu
Price: 40
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
MiscLight |
Light |
Bonuses |
Off The Grid : |

Credit : Pinkerchu
How to Download Custom Content on Sims 4 ?
1.Download the package
2.Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods. Moving the custom content into the Mods folder.
3.Make sure the custom content works in your game.