Sims 4 Picture Frame Recolors and Templates – Ode To Jazz Triptych Trio
Picture Frame Recolors and Templates – Ode To Jazz Triptych Trio
Included in the download file is a folder of frame templates of the EA wall painting "Ode To Jazz Triptych Trio, Cool Serenade & Tenor Mood." Each can be used to make textures for your own recolors with the various frame colors. I’ve also included an example recolor packages I did called "Dorothy – Over the Rainbow, Scarecrow – People Without Brains, Tinman – Take Heart and Cowardly Lion – Put Em Up." This will not override the original EA packages but will sit next to them in the catalog. This has the 4 original frame colors and 13 new recolors of the frame.
Wizard of Oz was my favorite movie as a kid. It was shown once a year on television (pre-VCR, CDs and BlueRay!) and I’d sit entranced while it played. To me it was magical!
Thanks and credits to images by –
and pngkey –
Installation of Package: After unzipping your download, place the package files in your mod folder, found at C:/…Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods
In game, go to Options | Other | Enable Custom Content and Mods and check that the "enable custom content and mods" and/or "script mods allowed" is ticked. If not, tick them and reboot the game. Find the new package under Objects By Function > Paintings & Posters or alternatively search for "Dorothy" "Scarecrow" "Tinman" or "Cowardly".
Use of Templates: Feel free to use these as you like. Sims4Studio has a great tutorial on how to recolor EA and Custom Content items –
Description: by Chikiwi
Price: 1121
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Archaeology |
Art |
Painting |
Wall Decoration |
Bonuses |
Happy : 4 |
Mesh information:
Mesh name:
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 166 | 118 | 102 |

Description: by Chikiwi
Price: 1121
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Archaeology |
Art |
Painting |
Wall Decoration |
Bonuses |
Happy : 1 |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Cowardly Lion – Put Em Up
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 166 | 118 | 102 |

Description: by Chikiwi
Price: 1121
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Archaeology |
Art |
Painting |
Wall Decoration |
Bonuses |
Happy : 1 |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Tinman – Take Heart
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 166 | 118 | 102 |

CC included
- Chikiwi_CoolSerenade_PeopleWithoutBrains by Chikiwi2016
- Chikiwi_OdeToJazzTriptychTrio__OverTheRainbow by Chikiwi2016
- Chikiwi_TenorMood_PutEmUp by Chikiwi2016
- Chikiwi_TenorMood_TakeHeart by Chikiwi2016
Credit : Chikiwi2016
How to Download Custom Content on Sims 4 ?
1.Download the package
2.Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods. Moving the custom content into the Mods folder.
3.Make sure the custom content works in your game.