Sims 4 Olde Cookbook Kit – V.0.3
Hear ye ???? . . . Hear ye ???? . . .
Calling all history players, cottage lovers and forest fanatics! (and all those in-between!)
I have a little something you may enjoy. I have been working tirelessly to overhaul my medieval cookbook, so much that it not only includes a bounty of new recipes but also new ingredients and activities for your sims!
So lets get to it :
Gather your own ingredients!
Sims can go hunting and foraging in the forest to gather fresh new ingredients for the abundance of new recipes. There’s plenty of game to be caught but also new nuts and a variety of fruits and veggies to be used for homemade meals! But be careful, there’s bears in the forest and your sim may come home with more than they bargained for!
Village Shoppe and activities!
Don’t fancy taking the risk to gather food supplies? Head down to the Village and visit the farmers markets and shops available. Keep an eye on the rotating stock and varying opening times so you don’t leave empty handed! Had a rough encounter with a certain Mor’du? Give praise to the watcher and see if they are kind enough to relieve your discomfort or perhaps the more costly option of visiting the village physician.
A new old way of cooking!
Take your sims back to the good old days with a brand ‘new’ open fire cooking experience. Light the fire and keep it burning day and night to keep your sims nice and warm. Watch as your sims stoke the fire while cooking their favourite meals.
Contents of this mod include:
47 Recipes and 5 ingredient recipes – also 53 new cooking props!!
Sign Post – which unlocks extra gameplay to be used alongside the cookbook. It includes:
New Ingredients: from hunting/foraging and homemade/village Shoppe
– A variety (10) of animals which can be turned into meat for cooking
– Seeds for recipes and homemade flour
– Ingredients from the Village Shoppe for cooking and making homemade versions
– Animal fat which can be used to make candles (Eco Living Required)
Rabbits Holes:
The Forest
– hunting/foraging
– activities/events
(complete with buffs!)
The Village
– farmers market
– meat market
– village Shoppe
– Herbalist Shoppe
– activities/events
– the village physician
The Docks
– fisherman’s market
Optional Custom Oven – this is not required to experience the mod, includes pie menu so you can click directly on the oven to cook the recipes!
Only want the cookbook and recipes? That’s fine! The new hunting/foraging activity isn’t required to continue enjoying the ‘new’ old cookbook! Simply delete folders 4 & 5
– – – – ⚠️ IMPORTANT PLEASE READ ⚠️ – – – –
✨Downloading the mod✨
I have packaged the files using WinRAR. Once you have extracted the file (simply right click, extract here) a folder should appear. Inside that folder everything should be organised so it’s easier to understand.
Please read all file names carefully! They will help explain what you need to do to install this mod. And the READ ME note which is helpful for installing this mod as it goes into more detail!
There will be 5 sub folders:
The Cookbook – this is the main download, you will need this.
Required animation – only choose 1. EA or Custom oven ( which has a poke fire animation that fits well with the custom oven I made)
Grand meals – only choose 1 of these, Base Game or Seasons
Optional below – delete folders if you only want the cookbook and recipes.
Custom Ovens – optional
The Sign Post – optional, if you want some extra gameplay such as the hunting and ingredients.
I recommend placing your chosen files into 1 folder so that it is easier for your game to read and for you to find for future updates.
Eg. TheSims4 / Mods / LBB_ Olde Cookbook Kit V.0.0
– – – – –
❔ Where to find the custom content in game ❔
The Sign Post can be found in the outdoor activities.
The custom ovens can be found in the stoves section. (custom ovens also have a custom pie menu that only displays the new medieval recipes!)
And the cookbook remains in the small appliances section in the kitchen.
– – – – – –
This is a huge project so if you encounter any issues, let me know
And a HUGE thank you to all those who play tested, gave feedback and bug reports!
F.A.Q – answers
This replaces the previous medieval cookbook.
Compatible with off the grid, simple living, lactose intolerant traits.
Can use cottage living ingredients and any ingredients that also have the new cottage living ingredient tags.
Can be used alongside other food mods including grannies cookbook without conflict.
Description: Food
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Food |
HighChairFood |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Potato & Onion Soup
LODs (2):
LOD | 0 | 1 |
Polygons | 364 | 364 |
Description: Drink
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Food |
HighChairFood |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Hot Milk
LODs (2):
LOD | 0 | 1 |
Polygons | 1694 | 1694 |
Description: Drink
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Food |
HighChairFood |
Description: Drink
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Food |
HighChairFood |
Description: Drink
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Food |
HighChairFood |
Interactions: (1)

* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
HighChairFood |
Mesh information:
Mesh name:
LODs (1):
LOD | 0 |
Polygons | 282 |
Description: What is this ‘gruel’ recipe? Oh look, pottage! Legend says this is grannies ‘older’ cookbook.. just how old is grannie?! (part of littlbowbub.tumblr ye olde cookbook kit)
Price: 45
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Buy |
Clutter |
SmallAppliance |
Bonuses |
Happy : 1 |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Ye Olde Recipe Book| LBB
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 84 | 84 | 84 |
Interactions: (36)

Interactions: (3)
Interactions: (3)
Description: Food
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Food |
HighChairFood |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Roast Turkey
LODs (2):
LOD | 0 | 1 |
Polygons | 2135 | 2135 |
Description: Food
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Food |
HighChairFood |
GrandMeal |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Roast Chicken
LODs (2):
LOD | 0 | 1 |
Polygons | 472 | 472 |
Description: Food
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Food |
HighChairFood |
GrandMeal |
Description: Food
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Food |
HighChairFood |
GrandMeal |

Description: Food
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Food |
HighChairFood |
GrandMeal |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Roasted Pheasant
LODs (2):
LOD | 0 | 1 |
Polygons | 1870 | 1870 |
Description: Food
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Food |
HighChairFood |
GrandMeal |
Description: Food
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Food |
HighChairFood |
Description: Food
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Food |
HighChairFood |
GrandMeal |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Roast Chicken
LODs (2):
LOD | 0 | 1 |
Polygons | 472 | 472 |

Interactions: (6)
Description: An 18th century hearth (sims style) with a stovetop cooking station. Keep the fire lit all day and this hearth could even replace your fireplace! Version 1 – part of littlbowbub’s ye olde cookbook kit
Price: 500
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Stove |
Baking |
Cooking |
Hunger |
Oven |
Range |
Chimney |
Fire |
Light |
Temperature |
Bonuses |
Cooking : 6 |
Power Consumer : 4 |
Reliablility : 8 |
Cooking : |
Off The Grid : |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Oven Hearth | lbb
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 2904 | 2904 | 2904 |

Description: An 18th century hearth (sims style) with a stovetop cooking station. Keep the fire lit all day and this hearth could even replace your fireplace! Version 2 – part of littlbowbub’s ye olde cookbook kit
Price: 500
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Stove |
Baking |
Cooking |
Hunger |
Oven |
Range |
Chimney |
Fire |
Light |
Temperature |
Bonuses |
Cooking : 6 |
Power Consumer : 4 |
Reliablility : 8 |
Cooking : |
Off The Grid : |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Oven Hearth | lbb
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 2892 | 2892 | 2892 |

Description: Fine cut venison meat.
Price: 30
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Harvestable |
Stalls |
Ingredient |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Venison Meat
LODs (2):
LOD | 0 | 1 |
Polygons | 116 | 94 |
Description: This way, that way.. where are you going? Shopping, hunting or just strolling along? This sign will help point the way! part of littlbowbub’s ye olde cookbook kit
Price: 55
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Buy |
MiscDecoration |
LawnOrnament |
OutdoorActivity |
Rooms |
Outdoor |
Bonuses |
Happy : 1 |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Olde Sign Post |lbb
LODs (3):
LOD | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Polygons | 1634 | 1634 | 1634 |
Description: Can be roasted or grounded down to create a multipurpose flour!
Price: 5
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Stalls |
Ingredient |
Description: Ingredient.
Price: 2
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Stalls |
Ingredient |
Description: Can be roasted or grounded down to create a multipurpose flour!
Price: 5
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Stalls |
Ingredient |
Interactions: (39)

Credit : Littlbowbub
How to Download Custom Content on Sims 4 ?
1.Download the package
2.Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods. Moving the custom content into the Mods folder.
3.Make sure the custom content works in your game.