Sims 4 AxA 2020
Sims 4 AxA 2020 90+ CAS Items, Sims 4 Maxis Match Hair, Sims 4 Maxis Match Clothing
Basic info
- All items are BGC and do not require other meshes/packages
- All hairs come in 18 EA Colors and are hat compatible
- The clothes come in 1 out of 3 palettes
► 25 colorful solids | palette used
► 25+ pattern, graphic, or patch versions
► 20 denim swatches | palette used
Zoe Top, Sophie Sweater, and Carter top.
- Credit to @nuagelle for some of the Simlish logos and prints used on the Graphics version of the top. Any not by them were made by ayoshi or myself.
Zoe Top
- Credit to bowl-of-plumbobs and saurussims for allowing us to edit their mesh from this pack they released.
Hannah Top
- Credit to ridgeport for allowing ayoshi to use her buttons on the top
Wendy Skirt
- Credit Waekey for allowing us to use their mesh as a base for the skirt
Pack Description and trailer
Credit to Luumia for creating this amazing trailer and coming up with the pack description for us.
- Credit to ratboysims
for helping with the poses for the main picture used for the pack
How to Download Custom Content on Sims 4 ?
1.Download the package
2.Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods. Moving the custom content into the Mods folder.
3.Make sure the custom content works in your game.
Credit : aharris00britney